$6 Million Given to Charity.. so far
Since our first funeral in 1997, Word Investments Limited has distributed over $6 million to charities with the desire to touch hearts, ignite hope and change lives. We have supported mission, humanitarian and local community initiatives as a testimony to our core belief: we’re for Compassion, not for profit.
We are dedicated to offering professional and compassionate support for our families while supporting those in need.
By choosing to have your loved ones funeral with us this year, we have helped
- Support Christian missions worldwide.
- Provide health and education to the underprivileged.
- Empower our local communities and the lives of our youth.
- Provide support and comfort to the ones who are enduring hardships.
* Figures are calculated to June 30, 2024
Supporting our charities
No Data Found
Contributions to date
No Data Found
Contributions this year
Our areas of impact
Real stories about real change
We support Christian mission organisations which implement health, literacy and Bible translation.
Mission Charities supported in 2023–2024:
- Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia
- Compassion Australia
- Bible Society Australia
- Operation Mobilisation Australia to International Training Alliance

Mission charity spotlight
Wycliffe Australia
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe work in partnership with the church in making disciples of people from every language group through Bible translation into vernacular languages.
We support Wycliffe’s Australian operations, as well as their Education and Community Empowerment project in South East Asia.
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Bible Society Australia
Bible Society Australia’s activities take place as part of the United Bible Societies, a global

Compassion Australia
Compassion is a Christian international holistic child development organisation. Through their Child Sponsorship Program, more
We join forces with accredited humanitarian aid agencies to help improve the quality of child education and the health and wellbeing of families in need.
Humanitarian Charities supported in 2023–2024:
- She Rescue
- Stable One
- SALT Foundation
- Destiny Rescue
- Mercy Ships
- Prison Network
- Baptist World Aid
- Medical Mission Aid

Humanitarian charity spotlight
Salt Foundation
Salt Foundation
The Salt Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that provides programs to promote a healthy state of well-being for individuals with disabilities.
“The team at the Salt Foundation are incredibly grateful for your generosity.
As a Christian not-for-profit organisation, we are very committed to delivering God-centred initiatives both locally in Melbourne and Internationally.”
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Stable One Foundation
Inspired by Jesus Christ, our mission is to support the Church as it provides accommodation

Mercy Ships
Mercy Ships is an international development organisation that deploys hospital ships and volunteers to developing
Local Community
In our local communities, where we have our funeral businesses, we contribute to programs that provide meals, coaching, counselling and support to disadvantaged groups.
Local Community Charities supported in 2023–2024:
- Urban Life
- Top Blokes Foundation
- Impact Care Services
- Global Care
- Hummingbird House

Local Community charity spotlight
Urban Life Care
Urban Life Care
Through our support our local charity, Urban Life can expand their work within our community and continue to run multiple programs like, Urban Pantry, focused on increasing food accessibility for our locals. And Winter Shelter which is focused on providing shelter and food for people who need the resources and support.
“Our vision is to see all people flourish and find belonging and welcome in the community.”
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Impact Care Services
Impact care Services is part of the Logan community where our Bethel and Logan Funerals

Hummingbird House
Hummingbird House is Queensland’s only children’s hospice and one of only three children’s hospices in
How you have contributed to making a difference
Together we create impact
Special thanks to our families
Bethel Funerals, Logan Funerals and Compassionate Funerals Queensland are part of Word Investments Limited, a not-for-profit organisation listed with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission.
Established in 1996, Word Investments Limited is 100% Australian-owned, and is governed by a volunteer Board.
You can read more about Our Purpose on our website at https://www.bethelfunerals.com.au/our-purpose/.
For our full financial statements please visit https://www.acnc.gov.au/.
Our Board distributes available surplus funds on a quarterly basis to support Australian charities, based on our Distribution Policy. Available surplus funds are those funds after expenses that are not committed to ongoing business operations and development.
The Word Investments Limited Board also makes occasional additional donations.
Operated under Christian values and principles, Word Investments Limited are not aligned with any particular Church denomination.

Thank you!
To the families who have entrusted their loved ones to our funeral services this year we say “thank you”.
Because you decided to partner with us, we have been able to bring care to your family, as well as ongoing life-changing support through our charity donations.
Our funeral businesses are unique in that we exist to give our money away!
We recognise that we are able to do this only because you chose to use our services.
It’s a unique business model for unique benefits and we couldn’t be prouder of it!
Please take a moment to look at the impact you have made, just by choosing to use our services.
Trevor Adams (Chair) and Andrew McKenzie (CEO)
on behalf of the entire Board and Staff team